Producing your Short Film, Animation, Experimental short film and ...

Pre-production to post production, DonFilm will arrange your cast and crew... To begin, submit your short screenplay via Google Drive (password required). Our team will evaluate your script, and within two working days, we will notify you of the results via email. There is no genre limitation for submissions. Screenplays should be less than 20 pages, with a font size of 12, and you must retain 100% copyright. If you are not the writer of your screenplay, please provide a writer's agreement.
After our decision, you will be notified via email.
Foreign countries must submit an English version of their screenplay. For Iranians, there is no problem submitting screenplays in Persian (Farsi).
For Iranian artists: You must submit your screenplay to the House of Cinema/Screenplay Bank (Khaneh Cinema) and obtain your submission code from this website. House of Cinema: